Attitude. Job searching can be stressful, so create a positive mindset by reminding yourself (constantly) that a good outcome will come soon.
Be on time. Do not be late for an interview. Ever. Try and arrive at least 5-10 minutes early and use the time to focus and calm yourself.
Confidence. Build your confidence by talking to friends, family or colleagues who support you and want you to do well.
Develop. Have a desire and zest for learning. Employers love people who are willing to grow their skills and use their initiative (and can articulate it to them).
Explore. Look beyond SEEK and Trade Me for job leads. Cast the net further and use social media channels, friends, family and community groups for potential opportunities.
Font. Use an easy-to-read font in your CV, such as Calibri, Cambria and Century Gothic. Move away from conventional out-dated fonts such as Times New Roman and Arial.
Gratitude. Send a thank you email after your interview. Remind them why you are keen for the job.
Hello? Employers and recruiters will try and contact you over the phone, so make sure you can answer, or have a sensible voicemail message available. Check for messages too!
Internet. Make Google your best friend. Be curious and use the net to find tips on job searching, or info on organisations.
Judgement. If an employer receives a large amount of applications, they will make quick judgements to reduce the pile. To reduce this bias, refrain from putting your date-of-birth, religion and political affiliations on your application (unless relevant to the role).
Know-how. There are many books and articles dedicated to job-searching. You can also talk to a career counsellor/advisor if you want expert coaching, guidance and advice too.
LinkedIn. A useful tool for the digitally-inclined. It provides a platform for connecting with people from a wide variety of industries.
Mistakes. We learn so much from what doesn’t go well. Interviewing is a skill, so practice with others and ask for feedback to help you improve.
Notes. Grab a notebook and write down ideas and examples to help you prepare your answers.
Organisation. It is important to research the organisation you are applying for. It is common in an interview to be asked what you know about them.
Practice. Not everyone can speak “off the cuff”so take the time to rehearse what you might say. Start in front of the mirror, or record your voice. Practicing with friends and family you trust is very useful too.
Questions. Make sure you ask the employer questions during the interview too. This shows you are genuinely interested in them.
Realistic. If you’re applying for lots of jobs (from junior to CEO) but not hearing back, then perhaps you need to review the level of roles applied for. Seek the opinion of others.
Smile. This is one of the best ways to build a positive connection during your interview.
Tailor your application. Too many people fall into the trap of sending out generic CVs and cover letters. Employers prefer applications where people put in the effort to demonstrate how they are relevant.
Understand what you’re applying for. Carefully read the requirements for the role. Usually a position description is provided, but if not, request one.
Volunteer. Not only is this a great way to build skills and confidence, it also will keep you engaged and active while you search for a new job.
Wisdom. There are many supportive people out there. You will be surprised at the quality of advice you will get from those around you. If you don’t ask, you don’t get!
X-Factor. As much as possible, stand-out for the right reasons. Share examples of great initiatives, roles and hobbies you are involved in. We are not clones.
Yipee. Celebrate the milestones. Being offered an interview is a big achievement in itself!
Zzzzzz. Sleep well on the night before your interview. Naturally you will be nervous, so utilize techniques that promote a sense of calm, for example meditation tapes, soft music, a warm bath.
Need further advice or help?
The Careers New Zealand website is a great starting point. It contains fantastic information on how to prepare and look for paid and unpaid work. https://www.careers.govt.nz/
If you wish to speak to a career professional then the Career Development Association of NZ (CDANZ) website has contact details for qualified, passionate practitioners in New Zealand. https://cdanz.org.nz/